
An update

If you’re a regular visitor you’ll notice a mini-revamp of the site, done with the occasion of a move to...

‘New Delhi’ superbug: what’s the story?

Perhaps a particular group of superbugs has been getting an unfair share of the spotlight over the past few months…...

A follow-up on recent posts: plague & HIV

In early September I blogged about a modelling study linking the incidence of plague with climate change in Kazakhstan. Donald...

How HIV turned pandemic

A piece of research into the early spread of HIV that I find interesting seems to have slipped the attention...

Could plague make a comeback with climate change?

It sounds like scaremongering – putting together in one sentence what is widely considered the chief global threat of our...

This is what I know, maybe. Trust me.

A feature article published in Nature this week chronicles how public opinion about climate change has changed and what climate...

Tracing the trail of science news

On June 9th the Guardian’s science website launched the ‘story tracker’, an experimental attempt to track reactions to and analysis...

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